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Friday, October 22, 2010

Re: firewalls and MTU - identifying problem if any

>> I have a small LAN at home connected up to the net via a DSL modem on a gateway
>> machine running lenny and iptables.
>> I have a problem with some software running on a windows machine on the LAN
>> where the company who wrote the sofware say that there must be something wrong
>> with my internet connection, but can't help any further.
> You can set a log-target in your firewall for these windows mashine, so
> you can see what connection the mashine want to do.
> I think on
> iptables -A FORWARD -s <windows-IP> -o <DSL-device> \
> -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix 'WIN-LOG: '

I figured I could do that but the amount of traffic going through from this
software is huge. Is there some sort of app out there that takes iptables output
and allows you to sort & filter it?

Alternatively I thought it would be much easier just to find out what the test
is using ping or something to establish whether PMTU works properly.

By the way, it's a PPPoA connection, not PPPoE. I think this is normal for the UK.


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