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Friday, January 30, 2015

Daily Stormer

Daily Stormer

Poll Friday: Is the Daily Stormer Too Hard on Moslems?

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 11:09 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

"We need to ally with them.  They'll help us fight the Jews."

“We need to ally with them. They’ll help us fight the Jews.”

As the regular reader is aware, I don’t read the comments section all too often.  If I did, I would probably end up shutting them down completely, due to the level of Jewing which goes on.  As I have said, it is not really possible to moderate the comments, even if I had the time to do so, and so pretty much you just have to let people say whatever they want, ban individuals if they are repeat-offender trolls.

I do read comments enough to get an idea of what is going on, and recently I have noticed a trend of people defending Moslems and attacking me for not showing them love (extreme example here).  I must admit that I don’t really grasp what is going on here, unless it is just a widescale Jewing.  My only other thought is that perhaps it is mainly Americans complaining, as they have little or no experience with Moslems, and harbor a fantasy that they will somehow “help us fight the Jews.”

I obviously understand and agree with the argument that if there was no Jewish Problem there would be no Moslem Problem, because it is Jews who brought these people into Europe and gave them all of these special rights.  At the same time, the only reason this is true is that we now have such vastly superior technology than the Moslems.

Like most public school-educated persons in this liberal system, these commenters seem to be completely unaware of the fact that Moslems have repeatedly invaded Europe going back more than a thousand years, they have held large parts of Europe for periods of hundreds of years (they still hold the capital of the Eastern Empire), they have forced White men into slavery and White women into their brothels.  So if they could invade us without the help of the Jews they absolutely would, it is simply that it is currently totally impossible logistically for them to do so.

Not a threat?

Not a threat?

Are you sure?

Are you sure?

Like, 100%?

Like, 100%?

So painting them as innocent victims who we should be friends with strikes me as completely retarded.

Another argument is “yes, they are a threat, but still the Jew is the biggest threat and what we should be focusing on.”  Any regular reader of the site is aware that I do focus on Jews, there are multiple articles every day on Jews and most every other article at least mentions Jews.

However, the main purpose of this site is to spread the message to new people.  The Jewish problem is almost an esoteric problem, in that we don’t have Jews out on the streets rioting and raping women, we don’t generally even see them.  Moslems, on the other hand, are a very obvious serious problem in society.  No one is really confused about this issue.  As such, by covering the Moslem problem extensively, we bring in new people who are interested in this issue and inform them of the Jew problem.  On top of that, this is a news site, and the behavior of Moslems is news.

Battle of Vienna.  Note: Those people with the towels wrapped around their heads are definitely not Jews.

Battle of Vienna. Note: Those people with the towels wrapped around their heads are definitely not Jews.

The Ottoman Empire at its height,

The Ottoman Empire at its height in the 1600s.  For anyone keeping score, that’s 900 years after they conquered Spain.

It took over 700 years to drive them out of Spain.

It took over 700 years to drive them out of Spain.

At the same time, I am against the wars and defend Moslems in their own countries, their right to sovereignty.  I would say that from an historical perspective, with just how many of our women these people have raped, how many wars they’ve launched against us, what they did to Eastern and Southern Europe, I am under no obligation to support them in their own lands, but I do anyway, because I think that regardless of what they’ve done to us, they still have a right to exist.

Obvious Ignorance or a Complete Jewing

I know for a fact that these comments are coming either from people who are either ignorant of the history of relations between Whites and Moslems (and apparently ignorant of the present relations), or are just total Jews, and here’s how I know:

I have never seen a single comment saying we need to stop talking about Blacks and focus on Jews.

Our articles on Blacks don’t get flooded with complaints we need to go easy on Blacks, even though that would actually make significantly more sense.  Blacks didn’t come here on purpose, they were brought here as slaves, we do not have any history of being attacked by these people before they were brought here and they have no plan to conquer us and force us to accept their culture.  But no one defends them.

This is also why I think it is mostly Americans defending these Moslems.  Along with that, there seems to be a bit of latent liberalism popping its head up, with a need to cater to the feelings of the poor widdle innocent Brown people.

So, just to be honest, I am not going to change anything based on the results of this poll because I believe very strongly that my approach is the right one.  But this will be interesting nonetheless.

Should the Daily Stormer be friendlier to Moslems?

Please feel free to put your comments in the comments section.  If you do, I would appreciate if you said where you are from.

South African Hero Eugene de Kock Freed From Negro Gulag

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 10:14 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

 Eugene de Kock, pictured in 1999.

Eugene de Kock, pictured in 1999.

The communist Negro revolutionary coup government of South Africa has finally freed Eugene de Kock, a soldier who fought for his people in defense of the Negro menace.

“Truth and reconciliation” was introduced after the savages and their Jew puppet-masters took over and supposedly meant that no one on either side was to be prosecuted for their alleged crimes, but the Blacks went ahead and threw de Kock in prison anyway.

De Kock worked for the apartheid (legal) government of SA as a special agent putting down Negro terrorist threats.

After being arrested in 1994, he was sentenced in 1996 to two life sentences plus 212 years.


“In the interest of nation building and reconciliation, I have decided to place Mr. de Kock on parole,” said Masutha, who said the time and place of de Kock’s release would not be made public.

In the same announcement Masutha declined to grant medical parole to Clive Derby-Lewis, the man who planned the assassination of anti-apartheid activist and leader of the South African Communist Party, Chris Hani. Derby-Lewis, who has cancer, was sentenced to life in prison, along with Polish immigrant Janusz Walus, for the 1993 shooting. Masutha said Derby-Lewis has not shown remorse.

Last year, Masutha declined de Kock’s parole appeal, saying that the families of de Kock’s victims had not been consulted.

This idea that Africans have a right to run a judicial system, when the entire thing was built by Whites, is completely insane.  It really speaks to the ideological framework that liberals are working within – “you are being mean to these Blacks, they are just the same as you, give them now everything you have because they have built nothing.”

New British Law Says Men are Automatically Guilty of Rape if a Woman Accuses Them

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 09:50 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

Your freedoms.  Give them to me, now.

Your freedoms. Give them to me, now.

It’s official: women are now the new Jews. They are an eternally innocent victim class, which cannot, in any situation, be held responsible for their own behavior. Instead, everything they do is now men’s fault.

This official status as the new Jews was achieved with the passage of new anti-date rape legislation in the UK which will require that if a woman accuses a man of rape, he must prove that she consented. The woman is not required to present any evidence. The man is just guilty, unless he can manage to prove his innocence.


The Director of Public Prosecutions said it was time for the legal system to move beyond the concept of "no means no" to recognise situations where women may have been unable to give consent.

Alison Saunders said rape victims should no longer be "blamed" by society if they are too drunk to consent to sex, or if they simply freeze and say nothing because they are terrified of their attacker.

Instead, police and prosecutors must now put a greater onus on rape suspects to demonstrate how the complainant had consented "with full capacity and freedom to do so".

Mrs Saunders said: "For too long society has blamed rape victims for confusing the issue of consent – by drinking or dressing provocatively for example – but it is not they who are confused, it is society itself and we must challenge that.

"Consent to sexual activity is not a grey area – in law it is clearly defined and must be given fully and freely.

"It is not a crime to drink, but it is a crime for a rapist to target someone who is no longer capable of consenting to sex though drink.

"These tools take us well beyond the old saying ‘no means no’ – it is now well established that many rape victims freeze rather than fight as a protective and coping mechanism.

"We want police and prosecutors to make sure they ask in every case where consent is the issue – how did the suspect know the complainant was saying yes and doing so freely and knowingly?"

In the sixth century Digest of Emperor Justinian I, a rule regarding guilt and innocence was stated: Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat — “Proof lies on him who asserts, not on him who denies.” This was generally considered one of the guiding principles of the Western legal system. But no more.

It is completely unclear how the man would prove the woman said “yes,” and in fact that doesn’t even seem to have been considered. I’ve read multiple articles on this, and none explains how the man is to prove it.  Surely, even if he had a legal contract giving him written consent to engage in copulation, the woman could say he forced her to sign it, and as the basis of the legislation is her word over his in every case, this signed contract would be of no value.

What this is is simply another power-grab by women, who have made demands and made more demands and as they were all answered they are kicking it up a notch where you are literally surrendering yourself to a woman in totality by engaging in intercourse with her.

My View on “Date Rape”

The modern discussion of rape is a witch-hunt by deranged feminists, supported by most all women because women have a collective identity.  It is also supported by beta males who believe supporting feminism will get them laid.

Look, bro... I know what you think, but I can promise you she's not going to go for that.

Look, bro… I know what you think, but I can promise you she’s not going to go for that.

There are two cases wherein “date rape” is a valid concept: if you are physically forced or you’re drugged.  In other words, “date rape” is rape when it is the same thing as normal old-fashioned rape.  Coincidentally, these are also the only cases where evidence would exist – the woman would have marks on her body if she’d been forced physically and if she’d been drugged blood tests would show it.

These are the only cases where it should even be investigated, but in both cases the woman could still be lying.  She could have engaged in voluntary rough sex and ended up with marks on her body and drugs she could have swallowed voluntarily.  But if either situation happens, the cops should interview the accused and the woman should have the option of pressing charges if grounds are shown to exist.

Conversely, if a woman comes to the police and says “he raped me!  I was in his bedroom and I was so drunk I couldn’t stop him!” she should be arrested and prosecuted for falsely accusing someone of a crime.  Their picture should then be posted on the internet by the police in a file of false rape accusers.

"She dinnin du nuffin"

“She dinnin du nuffin”

This “she was too drunk to know what was happening and so the man should have been responsible” simply portrays women as little children who need to be taken care of.  And though that might be a fair portrayal, in the context of feminism, they are only children in need of taking care of when something they don’t like happens.  Every other time, they are superior intellectual creatures which should be ruling over men.

It must be one or the other, consistently.  If they are little children who are so stupid they can’t be held responsible for getting wasted drunk and going to a bedroom with a man then we should definitely be teaching them to avoid getting wasted drunk at parties or with men they aren’t interested in having sex with.  If they are superior intellectual beings then they really should be capable of taking responsibility for their own behavior.

The fact of this matter is that alcohol causes men to engage in sexual acts they would not otherwise engage in.  As the male reader is probably aware, it is not an unheard of occurrence that a woman you would never consider having sex with if you had your wits about you comes at you when you’re drunk, trying to take advantage of your state for her own purposes.

Expecting women to think logically was the defining mistake of the West.

Expecting women to think logically was the defining mistake of the West.

I imagine that most all men who have done any amount of partying in their lives know the feeling of waking up next to a woman who you find repulsive after having slept off the drink.  This is the exact same thing these sluts are talking about with their “date rape” gibberish.  A direct analogue.  However, the man’s natural response in this situation is not to call the police and demand that the beastly woman be made to suffer, it is to be like “hell, man, I’m such an idiot, why did I get that drunk?”  This, feminists, is what men call “personal responsibility,” a term you should probably become familiar with if you really are intent on becoming just like men.

What’s worse is that a huge portion of the women making these rape claims are probably actually women who did take advantage of a drunk man and then became enraged when he didn’t want anything to do with her afterwards.

Blacks and Hadjis

The sickest thing of all is that while these women are screaming about White men on college campuses (and wherever) engaging in this made-up concept of “date rape,” they completely ignore the only rape holocaust being committed by the Blacks (in America) and the Moslems (in Europe).

"Oh you poor dear.... oh, a Moslem you say?  Well then, you must have provoked him."

“Oh you poor dear…. oh, a Moslem you say? Well then, you must have provoked him.  You should have respected his unique culture.”

There is nothing theoretical or confusing about the way these non-White hordes rape women – they either grab them off the street, or if the victims are little girls, they trick them and drug them.  And yet, never once have I heard a feminist complaining about this.

This proves that this is simply yet another Marxist program to strip White Men of their power in society.

Bottom Line

Feminism is at the root of the demise of the West.  Yes, Jews did it, but without the feminist revolution, they never would have been able to push things as far as they have.  They are now pushing feminism to its ultimate conclusion, which is that women, holding the majority of positions in universities, taking over most formerly male professions and running the government now have a right to simply throw men in prison.

Giving more power to women does absolutely nothing to improve society, just like giving more power to Blacks or queers does nothing to improve society.  We have clear and undisputed evidence of this fact.

The solution to the problems that both men and women in Western nations are facing is to return complete control to those suited to run these nations, the same people who built these nations: White heterosexual males.

Charges Against George “Batman” Zimmerman Dropped by Conniving Wench

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 09:22 AM PST

Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

George Zimmerman: The world is against him but he keeps on trucking.

George Zimmerman: The world is against him but he keeps on trucking.

The conniving wench who had claimed George Zimmerman, commonly referred to as “the real-life Batman,” had thrown a bottle at her has dropped all charges.

Orlando Sentinel:

George Zimmerman won’t be prosecuted for allegedly throwing a wine bottle at his girlfriend, the State Attorney’s Office said today.

Zimmerman, 31, was arrested Jan. 9, accused by Lake Mary police of aggravated-assault.

But this morning the State Attorney’s Office reported that the woman, 28-year-old Brittany Brunelle, Zimmerman’s dental hygienist, recanted her story and refused to cooperate. As a consequence, it is dropping the case.

This is the second time in just over a year that Zimmerman has been arrested, accused of becoming violent when a girlfriend breaks up with him. In both cases, the woman changed her account, stopped cooperating, and prosecutors closed the case without filing charges.

Neither woman was injured.

George not only stands up to Blacks, but also to feminists who try to use the legal system against him.  He remains untouchable.

In other news, Zimmerman is expected to be tapped by Darren Wilson as VP candidate for his 2016 Presidential campaign.

Screenshot from 2015-01-30 12:17:24 wilson zimmerman 2016 Screenshot from 2015-01-30 12:11:27

Original, in case you need to make your own campaign posters:

zimmerman wilson 2016

Evil Antipope to Turn the Most Sacred Place in Europe into a Bathhouse for Negroes

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 06:51 AM PST

Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

For more than 1500 years your ancestors have made pilgrimage here, White Man...

For more than 1500 years your ancestors have made pilgrimage here, White Man…'s high time to share your blessings and spice things up with a bit of vibrant diversity.

…it’s high time to share your blessings and spice things up with a bit of vibrant diversity.

Being billed as a “free shower and haircut for the homeless,” the sickening and evil Antipope Francis has plotted to commit a satanic act of defilement on the grounds of the most sacred site in Europe, turning St. Peter’s Square into a bathhouse for an invading African army.


The Vatican announced last year that it would provide shower facilities in St Peter’s Square for homeless people.

Bishop Konrad Krajewski told the Italian Catholic newspaper Avvenire on Thursday that it would also offer haircuts and shaves when the services start on Feb. 16 in an area under the colonnade of the square.

Krajewski, whose official title is the pope’s almoner, said barbers and hairdressers would volunteer their services on Mondays, the day their shops are traditionally closed in Italy.

They had already donated chairs, hair-cutting instruments, and mirrors, the newspaper’s website said.

Note: “homeless people” is codeword for “asylum seekers” which is itself a codeword for “invading hordes of subhumans.” I have been to Rome, less than a year ago, and you don’t see Italians on the streets homeless – I’m sure there are a couple, but 99.9999% of the people living on the streets are Negroes, Moslems, etc.

It is bad enough to use this most sacred of places – which was sacred before Christianity, an ancient pagan place of prayer and sacrifice – to give baths. But to have an enemy army bathing there takes this to an entire new level of satanic abuse.

This might be even worse than the faggot thing he’s doing.

Portugal to Give Citizenship to Jews Expelled 500 Years Ago

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 06:32 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

The Portuguese Inquisition burning a Jewish terrorist.

The Portuguese Inquisition burning a Jewish terrorist for no reason.

Following Spain’s lead, Portugal has decided to give citizenship to the filthy Jew terrorists who their ancestors expelled 500 years ago.


“I do not want to say this is an historic amendment because I believe that for this matter, there is no possibility to amend what was done,” Portuguese Justice Minister Paula Teixeira da Cruz said, according to The Associated Press. “I would say it is the attribution of a right.”

The AP adds: “Applicants will be vetted by Portuguese Jewish community institutions, as well as by government agencies. They will have to say whether they have a criminal record.”

The law, which grants Portuguese citizenship in addition to the applicant’s current nationality, is expected to go into effect by mid-February or early March, Oulman Carp, president of Lisbon’s Jewish community, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

The legislation, which was approved by Parliament in 2013, will also apply to non-Jewish descendants of the Sephardim who once lived in the Iberian Peninsula, Carp said.

The Portuguese Inquisitor was responsible for the initial expulsion in 1536.  Before the expulsion, they were just killing them on the streets.  These Jews were literally rounded up, often burned at the stake. And instead of saying “wait, why did we do that again?” Portugal’s government is simply assuming that it must have been an evil act done for no reason.

How on earth are we supposed to believe that our ancestors, who 500 years ago were no less evolved than we are now, were just doing insane acts of evil for no reason? Nationalist concepts aside, does it not just seem stupid to imagine that these people were simply “bad” and did horrible things without cause?

I mean, it seems like logically, you would look at this historical event and say “jeez, these people were super-angry at these Jews.  I wonder what the Jews did to make them so angry?”

Suge Knight Turns Himself in After Running Over a Nigga in His Car

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 05:55 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015



The Negro record producer Suge Knight has turned himself in after being charged with murder after allegedly running someone over with his car in LA during an altercation.

Knight is the founder of Death Row Records, and produced all the good rap music of the 1990s, including Dr. Dre’s best alblums and most of Tupac’s stuff.

Here is the hilarious video of his long walk to the police station turning himself in:

You know what, White Man?

You could learn a thing or two from that swagger.


Sgt. Diane Hecht of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s information office said Knight was arrested at about 3 a.m. and is being held on $2 million bail.

Hecht says Knight is being held at the West Hollywood sheriff’s station.

Knight turned himself in to authorities early Friday after his attorney said the rap mogul accidentally ran over and killed a friend and injured another man as he fled attackers.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Knight and his attorney James Blatt arrived at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department West Hollywood station early Friday.

“We are confident that once the investigation is completed, he will be totally exonerated,” Blatt told the Associated Press by phone late Thursday.

MyFoxLA first reported that Knight was driving the red pickup truck that struck two men shortly before 3 p.m. local time in Compton, Calif., outside Los Angeles. The injured man was taken to a hospital and his condition was not immediately known. No identifying information about either man was available.

The Times reported that the tragedy stemmed from an altercation that occurred on the set of the forthcoming film “Straight Outta Compton,” a biopic about the rap group NWA. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Capt. John Corina said that the two men Knight argued with went to a nearby restaurant about 20 minutes after the confrontation

Corina alleged Knight followed the men there in a red truck and ran them over in the parking lot. Witnesses told the paper the truck hit the men, then backed over them before fleeing the scene. The incident is being investigated as a homicide.

“The people we talked to say it looked like it was an intentional act,” Corina told reporters.

However, attorney Blatt claimed it was an accident.

I don’t think this will turn out as one of those big high-profile cases. He admits to killing the guy. He might get off on manslaughter, but he is going to prison. But Blacks don’t seem to mind that.

Once again, I must point out the obvious: it doesn’t matter what level of status or how much money you give to Black people, they remain Black people. Which means they remain lovers of violence, who will run over their friends in their cars and then swagger in to the police station at 3 am smoking a cigar and slapping hands like “Wassup wif yall. Ah be botta go up in dat jell.”

Parasite Jews Demand Syriza Protect Them From Golden Dawn

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 05:34 AM PST

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

The filthy sneaking Christ-killers are seeking to align themselves with the new commie government of Greece.

Times of Israel:

The American Jewish Committee on Monday called on newly elected Prime Minister Alexis Tspiras to continue the hard line against Golden Dawn and expressed dismay at the party's showing.

"We look to the Syriza-led government to continue the measures implemented during the past years, and assure all minority communities, who are an integral part of Greece, that they will continue to be fully protected and respected, and that there will be no place for anti-Semitism in mainstream Greek society," AJC Executive Director David Harris said.

Though I wish these evil, rat-faced terrorists all the best, I doubt that Syriza is going to be as warm toward them as the Samaras regime. The thing that people who haven’t spent time in Greece probably don’t understand is that not only does the far right hate Jews, the far left does as does the mainstream.

The ADL itself reports that Greece has the highest level of Jew-hatred of any European nation.

So, the majority of Syriza’s supports do not like Jews all that much more than the Golden Dawn does.

That said, the supporters of Syriza do tend to hate the Golden Dawn, because they do hold touchy-feely views more generally. So it is up in the air how they are going to address the party.

Pope Francis to Cross Mexican Border in Solidarity with Illegal Aliens

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 05:25 AM PST

Jack Ryan
Occidental Dissent
January 30, 2015

The Antipope claims that God wants us to be open to new things, such as gay sex.


"The Roman empire did not die any differently, though, it's true, more slowly, whereas this time we can expect a more sudden conflagration … Christian charity will prove itself powerless. The times will be cruel."
— Jean Raspail, The Camp Of The Saints

Pope Francis is back in the news again and for all the wrong reasons.

This time he is boasting that he will cross the Mexican border into the United States to show solidarity with Hispanic illegal aliens. This isn't a satire from The Onion. No, Fox News Latino is reporting this as a genuine news story.

Of course it is a pure Cultural Marxist publicity stunt – something that one would expect from a PC leftwing pop culture star like a Bono, Sean Penn, or Brad Pitt to do. It's all for show, all for generating headlines in the TV and print media. Pope Francis seems to think he is the Madonna of the Vatican. Maybe he is.

Last year, Francis was featured in a fawning Rolling Stone cover story. This was shortly after he flew his jet to the Italian Mediterranean island Lampedusa to bless the invading African boat people and scold the Italians about their "racism" and "Islamophobia." Yes, this Liberation Theology Pope is pro-Muslim, pro-homosexual, and most definitely pro-Latino. He's even on good terms with Castro's Cuba.

Here at Occidental Dissent, we take a firm, but fair approach to the leaders of all tax exempt anti-Southern, anti-White, anti-Christian organizations and really see no difference between Pope Francis and George Soros. We're certainly not anti-Catholic, but there is no use in denying at this point that Cultural Marxists now have the upper hand at the top of the Vatican.

One positive point to remember is that lots of Hispanic Catholics have fought on our side in the past in Spain and elsewhere. Just because communists have tried to rebrand themselves as Sandinista Catholic priests, well, check out what happened to Liberation Theology Archbishop Romero in El Salvador:

France: Marine Le Pen Polls in First Place

Posted: 30 Jan 2015 05:20 AM PST

Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

Madam Le Pen, next President of France.

Madam Le Pen, next President of France.

Thank you, Charlie. Without you, I’m not sure this would be possible.

Huffington Post:

The leader of France’s far-right National Front party came out on top in a new poll on potential 2017 presidential candidates. The survey, published in Marianne on Thursday, pitted Marine Le Pen against French President Francois Hollande, former President Nicolas Sarkozy and other potential candidates.

“If the first ballot would take place today,” the magazine wrote, ” she would gather between 29 and 31 percent of the votes, depending on the adversaries.”

According to the poll, former President Nicolas Sarkozy would come in second if the elections took place today. French President Francois Hollande, who has battled low approval rates throughout his first term, would not make it to the second round.

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